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EXPLOITED (The) - Punks not dead (1981)


Punks not dead

© 19811992 - Snapper

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185 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.57 / 5

Dernier vote : 07/02/2025 à 06h57

Liste des titres

01Punk's Not Dead.....

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02Mucky Pup.....

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03Cop Cars.....

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04Free Flight.....

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05Army Life (Part 2).....

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06Blown To Bits.....

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07Sex & Violence.....

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08S P G.....

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10Dole Q.....

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11Exploited Barmy Army.....

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13Out Of Control.....

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14Son Of A Copper.....

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15I Believe In Anarchy.....

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Discographie Liste détailléeTableauGalerie

Album LP 12"

EXPLOITED (The) - Punks Not Dead (1981)


Punks Not Dead


EXPLOITED (The) - Totally Exploited (1984)


Totally Exploited


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