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DICK NIXONS (The) - Paint The White House Black (1992)


Paint The White House Black

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140 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.52 / 5

Dernier vote : 03/02/2025 à 15h37

Liste des titres

01Plot Against The President.....

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02Tricky Dick (Was A Rock-N-Roller).....

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04Cardiac Arrest.....

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05Knock Three Times.....

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06She A Slut.....

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07Ping Pong Ball Head.....

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10Do The Dick Nixon.....

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11The Answer.....

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12All A Dream.....

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13The Patriot Song.....

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15Red Red Wine.....

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17Paint The White House Black.....

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18We Are The Dick Nixons.....

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