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King of Rock 'n' Roll

King of Rock 'n' Roll

SNS Music Production

réf. : SNS-924

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124 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 3.09 / 5

Dernier vote : 10/09/2024 à 19h44

Liste des titres

01CHECKER ChubbyLet's twist again.....

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02HALEY BillRock around the clock.....

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03LITTLE RICHARDLong tall Sally.....

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04PRICE LloydStagger Lee.....

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05COASTERS (The)Yakety yak.....

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06SAM THE SHAM - PHARAOHS (The)Wooly bully.....

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07CHECKER ChubbyThe twist.....

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08LITTLE RICHARDGood golly miss Molly.....

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09BERRY ChuckNadine (is it you).....

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10LITTLE RICHARDTutti frutti.....

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11CHECKER ChubbyLimbo rock.....

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12CRYSTALS (The)Da doo ron ron.....

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13SWINGING BLUE JEANS (The)Hippy hippy shake.....

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14POOLE BrianTwist and shout.....

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15HONDELLS (The)Little Honda.....

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16DANNY - JUNIORS (The)At the hop.....

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17REGENTS (The)Barbara Ann.....

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18TONY & JOEThe freeze.....

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19BERRY ChuckRock 'n' roll music.....

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20CHAMPS (The)Tequila.....

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21JOHNNY & THE HURRICANESRed river rock.....

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22DANNY - JUNIORS (The)Rock 'n' roll is here.....

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23HALEY BillShake, rattle and roll.....

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24BERRY ChuckReelin' & rockin'.....

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