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Rock Ballads - Countdown (1992)

Rock Ballads - Countdown

© 1992 - Magnum

réf. : 0 9548 31210 2

Série : Rock Ballads

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175 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 2.98 / 5

Dernier vote : 08/10/2024 à 10h25

Série : Rock Ballads

Liste des titres

01EXTREMEMore than words.....

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02THIN LIZZYThe sun goes down.....

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03SKID ROWIn a darkened room.....

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04GOLDEN EARRINGGoing to the run.....

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05ALICE COOPEROnly women bleed.....

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07DAMN YANKEESHigh enough.....

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08SCORPIONSWind of change.....

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09DEEP PURPLEWasted sunsets.....

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10VALENTINE RobbyOver and over again.....

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11BAD ENGLISHTime stood still.....

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12MR. BIGTo be with you.....

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13VANDENBERG AdrianHow long.....

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14RED HOT CHILI PEPPERSUnder the bridge.....

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15MALMSTEEN YngwieDreaming.....

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16JOURNEYWinds of March.....

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17FOREIGNERBlinded by science.....

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