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131 votes reçus pour ce disque...

Moyenne des votes : 0.37 / 5

Dernier vote : 31/01/2025 à 22h22

Liste des titres

01Everyday I love you less and less.....

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02I predict a riot.....

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03Modern way.....

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04Na na na na naa.....

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05You can have it all.....

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06Oh my God.....

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07Born to be a dancer.....

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08Saturday night.....

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09What did I ever give you ?.....

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10Time honoured tradition.....

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11Caroline, yes.....

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12Team mate.....

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Commentaire de badplayer

De toute grande qualité, musicalement assez proche de Franz Ferdinand, pour le plus grand plaisir de nos oreilles !

posté le 11/03/2008 à 09h19

Discographie Liste détailléeTableauGalerie

Album CD

KAISER CHIEFS - Yours Truly, Angry Mob (2007)


Yours Truly, Angry Mob


Compilations / participations

Live 8 (2005)

Live 8


Historock - vol. 2 (2007)

Historock - vol. 2


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